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Events from 07 February 2022 till 13 February 2022 (week number : 6)     View month February
(Week starts Monday)
Monday 07 February 2022

Tuesday 08 February 2022

Wednesday 09 February 2022
  • Toothache day
  • Category : Events

    Toothache Day, or "National Toothache Day" is celebrated on February 9 every year.
    You may be wondering why we celebrate toothache? I have no idea ...
    Many people may be thinking about brushing their teeth, or flossing to celebrate, but this is NOT a toothache PREVENTION day. The only way to celebrate is therefore by getting a real, living toothache. If you are one of those who have one can I suggest one of the remedies below? Just do not try it until February 10th. You do not want to ruin the toothache day, do you?

    ToothacheRead more

    Thursday 10 February 2022

    Friday 11 February 2022

    Saturday 12 February 2022

    Sunday 13 February 2022
  • International Condom Day
  • Category : Events

    International Condom Day was created by AHF and celebrated each year on February 13th (the day before Valentine’s Day)

    The day came about as an innovative and lighthearted way to remind people that wearing a condom can prevent pregnancy and STDs, including HIV. The Healthcare Foundation hopes these seductive shows spark healthier sexual choices for all.


  • Mothers day (Norway)
  • Category : Events

    In Norway, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in February
    The first Norwegian Mother's Day was celebrated in Bergen on 9 February 1919, and was initially organized by religious organizations, but it was the Oslo women Dorothea Schjoldager and Karen Platou who in 1918, in collaboration with non-profit organizations, business people and the mass media, gained a foothold. to establish Mother's Day as an annual event in Norway. The day has later turned into a family day, where mothers are served with, for example, coffee in bed in the morning, flowers and cake.

    Mother's Day has ...


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