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Events from 21 March 2022 till 27 March 2022 (week number : 12)     View month March
(Week starts Monday)
Monday 21 March 2022
  • International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
  • Category : Events

    The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is observed annually on the day the police in Sharpeville, South Africa, opened fire and killed 69 people at a peaceful demonstration against apartheid "pass laws" in 1960 (21 march).

    The United Nations has been concerned with this issue since its foundation and the prohibition of racial discrimination is enshrined in all core international human rights instruments. It places obligations on States and tasks them with eradicating discrimination in the public and private spheres. The principle of equality also requires States to adopt spe ...

    Tuesday 22 March 2022

    Wednesday 23 March 2022

    Thursday 24 March 2022

    Friday 25 March 2022

    Saturday 26 March 2022
    20:30 - 21:30     Earth Hour
    Category : Events

    Earth Hour er en verdensomspennende symbolsk markering der folk over hele verden blir oppfordret til å slukke lyset en time for klimaet. Det er naturvernorganisasjonen WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) som står bak kampanjen, som ble avholdt for første gang i Australia. Den symbolske markeringen har som formål å øke bevisstheten rundt klimaproblematikken ved å få privatpersoner, virksomheter, myndigheter og organisasjoner til å slå av elektrisk lys i en time.

    Earth Hour så dagens lys i Sydney, Australia i 2007 hvor to millioner deltok. I 2008 hadde det blitt en global bevegelse hvor 50 millioner ...

    Sunday 27 March 2022
  • Daylight saving time starts
  • Category : Events
    The clock is set 1 hour FORWARD at 02:00

    Rule of thumb: The clock must always be set TOWARDS summer, which is why it is called summer time.


    Daylight saving time is a scheme that involves setting all clocks forward one hour in relation to normal time. Several countries have introduced this to take advantage of the bright parts of the day. Summer time also means the period of the year when the clocks are set 60 minutes compared to the rest of the year.
    In the current regulations on summer time, it is set as n ...


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